Are you a paleo person looking to add Bean sprouts into your next salad, sandwich or Asian dish but not sure if they are all out on the diet? In this post we will explore if these veggies are OK to eat without breaking the Paleo diet.
Yes, Bean sprouts are safe to eat on the Paleo diet 👍!
Why are Bean Sprouts OK?
Unlike other beans, beans sprouts are safe to eat on the Paleo diet because they are almost entirely made of fiber and water. They are a good source of vitamin C as well as other nutrients like physic acid and grow naturally in the wild so humans have been eating them for thousands of years.
Keep in mind that many popular dishes that include being sprouts will not be Paleo safe due to other ingredients that break diet rules and standards.
Our Final Say
We love eating bean sprouts in salads and sandwiches! They add a tasty crunch to any recipe and are super healthy and allowed on the paleo diet – unlike other legumes and processed grains.