Tapioca is a popular Starch alternative, but is it safe for people on the Paleolithic diet? In this post we will explore if this cassava root starch is safe to eat on Paleo.
Tapioca is Paleo safe, but you should not eat too much of it 👍!
Why is Tapioca Paleo Friendly?
Most starches are not safe to eat on the Paleo diet, fortunately, Tapioca is made from the purified Cassava root – and that means it is gluten-free, dairy-free and Paleo safe in limited quantities.
It may not be a good source of things like Protein or Fat but it is high in Carbohydrates and a good alternative to other root vegetables like Sweet Potatoes, Squash, and other cooking starches.
Our Final Say
Tapioca is a tasty alternative to traditional starches that is OK to on the Paleolithic diet as long as you use it in moderation. It does not offer much nutritional value so you will need to maintain a normal diet to get all of your vitamins and minerals!
Estelle Russo
Paleo Lover
Hi there! My name is Estelle and I am a Paleo Lover! I like helping other people learn about the health benefits of the paleo diet.